We are passionate committed

Growing during lockdown
Despite the health context, Legal Pilot continues its remote deployment with more and more clients, and a major update of the software.
What is the Legal Pilot spirit ?
LEGAL PILOT's mission is to free lawyers from time-consuming and recurring tasks through automation, via an easy-to-use and extremely intuitive solution. Our solution is the result of joint work lawyers, jurists and developers. The LEGAL PILOT DNA is rooted on the values and principles of the lawyer oath and and on the belief that technology can be a driver of positive transformation for legal professions.
Legal Pilot, a desire to contribute
to the french legaltech environment...
One of the aims of legaltechs is to improve the range of services for legal professionals and their clients. The development of legaltechs requires good collaboration between the players in this market, legal and digital professionals. Thus, committed to promoting the French legaltech ecosystem, Legal Pilot co-constructs solutions with other players involved in this sector and public services.
As such, Legal Pilot is actively involved in the following actions:
- Lyon bar incubator and innovation committee
- Legaltech group from France digitale association
- Avotech Association member
...and to the training of the jurists of tomorrow
The legal market, legal services and relations between professionals and “consumers of law” are undergoing extremely rapid changes, which require rethinking the training and skills of lawyers. In order to make a contribution, Legal Pilot regularly works with various training organizations and universities, in particular:
- Paris II - DU Digital Transformation of Law and Legaltech
- UCLY - CM Digital Transformation of the Legal Professions
- EDARA - Awareness raising workshops on digital transformation
- Cergy Paris Université - Paralegaltech Professional Degree - Automation training
- Master 2 JAI - Rennes I - Legaltech Project Management